My Simple Rules

Rule #3: Stay in Touch

Reading BTI Consulting’s recent Mad Clientist Blog post 8 Habits of Highly-Profitable Firms,  the second habit jumped out at me:

“Engage in a continuing dialogue with clients about their business even when, and especially if, there are no active matters.”

What does this mean for smaller firms?

shutterstock_99379946It means that, even though you may not have a firm- or practice-level system for client outreach, you should still stay in touch. Each and every lawyer in any size firm should have a mapped out plan as to how and when they make contact with clients and prospects.   A deliberate plan, documented on your calendar, not your to-do list, is the best guide to keep you on track with regular outreach. Client service should be your mantra. On the first of every month, review and populate your calendar. Have a back-up option as well, so if the article you had planned to send them didn’t get published (or even written), you can take them out lunch or a game. The key to hits is number of times at bat.