Any good law firm marketing strategy should clearly address this question. The only exception is, of course, for sole practitioners. Firm brands and attorney brands must be integrated in a marketing campaign of any kind. Regardless of who’s name is on the door, a law firm is the sum of it’s parts. JFK (borrowed and) often used the adage,

“The rising tide floats all the boats.”

Success of one benefits the whole, and vice versa. Alan Singles of Jaffe PR writes in the National Law Journal, “both the firm and its attorneys need to have a symbiotic relationship…”  Singles notes that a disconnect in this area causes headaches when trying to achieve and maintain a consistent brand across the organization. I like this article because Singles reminds us that many law firms make the mistake of allowing internal politics to drive a brand strategy.  Firm leaders must take a step back and look at the entity from the buyers’ perspective — a difficult, but essential tactic in successfully marketing the brand.